ICREA Research Professor, ERC Starting Grant

Fran leads the Genome Data Science laboratory at the BRIC (University of Copenhagen) and at the IRB Barcelona. The lab specializes in large-scale statistical analyses of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic data. Fran obtained his PhD in Molecular biology in 2010 from the University of Zagreb, while working as an early-stage researcher at the RBI (Croatia) on machine learning in comparative genomics. This was followed by a postdoctoral stay at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (as a Marie Curie fellow), studying cancer genome evolution. In 2017 he started his lab at the IRB Barcelona as a Ramón y Cajal fellow.
Fran is the PI of the ERC Starting & ERC Consolidator projects, an EMBO Young Investigator, an ICREA tenured professor (currently on leave), and a full professor at the University of Copenhagen. He authored 56 research articles, of that 38 papers as first or senior-author (including in Nature, Cell and Nature Genetics), and 6 invited review articles/book chapters, cited >12k times (H-index=34).