TRIP Clinics is a translational research program, that aims to bridge the gap between fundamental science and clinical practice. By encouraging researchers to prioritize the applicability of their findings from the outset, the program aims to accelerate the development of new treatments, diagnostic tools, and other innovations that can improve patient outcomes.
With the support of ”la Caixa” Foundation through the “CaixaResearch Clinical Translation” initiative and the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, the program relies on joint research groups led by a fundamental researcher at IRB Barcelona and one or more clinical researchers from a reference Catalan hospital. “la Caixa” Foundation supports two of these laboratories: the Gomis, Angelats, Guedan and Prats laboratory and the Aznar Benitah, Saura and Pimentel laboratory. The Conselleria de Salut of the Generalitat de Catalunya funds the Mayor-Ruiz and Serrano laboratory.
The TRIP Clinics laboratories are at the forefront of research in areas such as immunology, oncology, and chemical biology.

Assessment of the potential of CAR-T therapy for the treatment of breast cancer in order to obtain a novel therapeutic option for patients with incurable breast cancer.

Immune metabolic reprogramming as a complement to immunotherapy towards metastatic triple-negative breast cancer.

Identification and development of new potential therapies against RTK-driven tumors (e.g. sarcomas of the intestinal tract) based on targeted protein degradation.