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Dr. Fran Supek

Group Leader
+34 93 40 39942

ICREA Research Professor, ERC Starting Grant

Research Group

Fran leads the Genome Data Science laboratory at the BRIC (University of Copenhagen) and at the IRB Barcelona. The lab specializes in large-scale statistical analyses of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic data. Fran obtained his PhD in Molecular biology in 2010 from the University of Zagreb, while working as an early-stage researcher at the RBI (Croatia) on machine learning in comparative genomics. This was followed by a postdoctoral stay at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (as a Marie Curie fellow), studying cancer genome evolution. In 2017 he started his lab at the IRB Barcelona as a Ramón y Cajal fellow. 

Fran is the PI of the ERC Starting & ERC Consolidator projects, an EMBO Young Investigator, an ICREA tenured professor (currently on leave), and a full professor at the University of Copenhagen. He authored 56 research articles, of that 38 papers as first or senior-author (including in Nature, Cell and Nature Genetics), and 6 invited review articles/book chapters, cited >12k times (H-index=34).

Selected group publications

Vali-Pour, M; Lehner, B; Supek, F
Nature Communications
(1 )
3724 -
Levati, J; Salvadores, M; Fuster-Tormo, F; Supek, F
Nature Communications
(1 )
2926 -
Biayna, J; Garcia-Cao, I; Alvarez, MM; Salvadores, M; Espinosa-Carrasco, J; McCullough, M; Supek, F; Stracker, TH
Plos Biology
(3 )
e3001176 -