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Dr. Toni Gabaldon

Affiliated Group Leader
+34 93 40 21077
Research Group

Toni Gabaldón is ICREA Research Professor jointly affiliated to the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), where he leads the Comparative Genomics group (www.cgenomics.org). He studied Biological Sciences in Valencia (Spain) and Mainz (Germany) and obtained a PhD in the Medical Sciences by the Radboud University in Nijmegen (The Netherlands). He previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the CIPF in (Valencia, Spain) and as a Junior Group Leader at the CRG (Barcelona, Spain).

His research focuses on understanding underlying genomic bases of organismal adaptations, particularly in microbial organisms. One of the research lines in his group addresses how human fungal pathogens emerge and adapt to the human host and drug therapies. Another one ddresses the complex relationships between the human microbiome and human health, including the role that microbial communities in the oral or gut cavity may play in the onset and progression of systemic diseases and cancer. Dr. Gabaldón has published over 300 publications and his work has received over 45000 citations (h- index=95). Dr. Gabaldón has received honors and awards such as the EMBO membership, the ERC starting and consolidator grants, and the Margaret Dayhoff award and is considered a highly cited researcher by clarivate analytics.

Selected group publications

Schikora-Tamarit, MA; Gabaldón, T
Nature Microbiology
(1 )
284 -
del Olmo, V; Mixao, V; Fotedar, R; Saus, E; Al Malki, A; Ksiezopolska, E; Nunez-Rodriguez, JC; Boekhout, T; Gabaldón, T
Nature Communications
(1 )
6919 -
Carreté L; Ksiezopolska E; Pegueroles C; Gómez-Molero E; Saus E; Iraola-Guzmán S; Loska D; Bader O; Fairhead C; Gabaldón T
Current Biology
(14 )
3219 -
Schikora-Tamarit, MA; Gabaldón, T
Genome Biology
(1 )
175 -
Willis, JR; Saus, E; Iraola-Guzman, S; Ksiezopolska, E; Cozzuto, L; Bejarano, LA; Andreu-Somavilla, N; Alloza-Trabado, M; Blanco, A; Puig-Sola, A; Broglio, E; Carolis, C; Ponomarenko, J; Hecht, J; Gabaldón, T
Npj Biofilms And Microbiomes
(1 )
38 -