Francesc Posas, director of IRB Barcelona.
Francesc Posas and Modesto Orozco

On 30 April, the Minister for Business and Knowledge (Catalan Government), Àngels Chacón, presented the 2018 ICREA Academia Award to Francesc Posas, director of IRB Barcelona and head of the Cell Signalling Lab, and Modesto Orozco, head of the Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics Lab.

José Picón (Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno-FTPGB), Ángel Carracedo, César Nombela (Fúndación Carmen y Severo Ochoa-FCSO), Salvador Aznar (IRB Barcelona), Rosa Menéndez (CSIC), César de Haro (FCSO) y Alvaro Matud (FTPGB)
Salvador Aznar Benitah

The jury unanimously decided to award Salvador Aznar Benitah in acknowledgement of his work on adult stem cells and the relation of these with circadian rhythms and metastasis, and also in recognition of his recent entrepreneurial activity.

The award is given in recognition of biochemistry and molecular biology research of excellence performed mainly in Spain.

Thank you!

We want to thank all the people and organisations that have contributed to furthering our mission, namely to bring biomedical advances to society and thus improve quality of life.



Background photo: Skin cancer stem cells to study biological processes related to different types of cancer and metastasis. Lorenzo Rinaldi, Alumni.