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Signalling and Cell Cycle Laboratory

Trip Lab
Angel R Nebreda
Group Leader
+34 93 40 31379

ICREA Research Professor, ERC Advanced Grant


Research information


We are interested in how external signals are interpreted by cells to modulate their proliferation, differentiation and survival, especially in the tumoral context. An important part of the group’s work focuses on the stress-activated p38 MAPK pathway. Results from our group and others have elucidated mechanisms of signal integration by p38 MAPKs, provided in vivo evidence for the implication of this
pathway in homeostatic functions beyond the stress response, and illustrated how p38 MAPK dysregulation may contribute to cancer and other diseases. Using mouse models, we have demonstrated important roles for p38 MAPK signaling in tumor progression, particularly in breast, lung and colon cancer, as well as in the tumor response to chemotherapeutic drugs.

Research interests

Our work combines biochemical approaches and chemical tools with cell culture experiments and mouse models. Ongoing projects address the role of p38 MAPKs in two main topics:

  1. Cancer cell homeostasis and chemoresistance mechanisms, and
  2. Cross talk between cancer cells and stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment.

The group has the ambition to identify new therapeutic opportunities based on the modulation of p38 MAPK signaling.

In addition, we are performing screenings to identify actionable targets that can be used to boost current therapeutic approaches and to design new targeted therapies for highly heterogeneous and chemoresistant tumors.

Selected publications

Gutierrez-Prat, N; Cubillos-Rojas, M; Canovas, B; Kuzmanic, A; Gupta, J; Igea, A; Llonch, E; Gaestel, M; Nebreda, AR
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
(29 )
e2024562118 -
Canovas, B; Nebreda, AR
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
(5 )
346 -
Donoghue, C; Cubillos-Rojas, M; Gutierrez-Prat, N; Sanchez-Zarzalejo, C; Verdaguer, X; Riera, A; Nebreda, AR
European Journal Of Medicinal Chemistry
(- )
112451 -
Vitos-Faleato, J; Real, SM; Gutierrez-Prat, N; Villanueva, A; Llonch, E; Drosten, M; Barbacid, M; Nebreda, AR
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
(5 )
2588 -
Batlle, R; Andrés, E; Gonzalez, L; Llonch, E; Igea, A; Gutierrez-Prat, N; Berenguer-Llergo, A; Nebreda, AR
Nature Communications
(1 )
3071 -
Curtis, M; Kenny, HA; Ashcroft, B; Mukherjee, A; Johnson, A; Zhang, YL; Helou, Y; Batlle, R; Liu, XJ; Gutierrez, N; Gao, X; Yamada, SD; Lastra, R; Montag, A; Ahsan, N; Locasale, JW; Salomon, AR; Nebreda, AR; Lengyel, E
Cell Metabolism
(1 )
141 -
Youssif, C; Cubillos-Rojas, M; Comalada, M; Llonch, E; Perna, C; Djouder, N; Nebreda, AR
Embo Molecular Medicine
(7 )
e8403 -
Cánovas, B; Igea, A; Sartori, AA; Gomis, RR; Paull, TT; Isoda, M; Pérez-Montoyo, H; Serra, V; González-Suárez, E; Stracker, TH; Nebreda, AR
Cancer Cell
(6 )
1094 -
Mikolcevic, P; Isoda, M; Shibuya, H; Barrantes, ID; Igea, A; Suja, JA; Shackleton, S; Watanabe, Y; Nebreda, AR
Nature Communications
(1 )
11084 -
Igea, A; Nebreda, AR
Cancer Research
(19 )
3997 -
Gupta, J; Barrantes, ID; Igea, A; Sakellariou, S; Pateras, IS; Gorgoulis, VG; Nebreda, AR
Cancer Cell
(4 )
484 -
Pereira, L; Igea, A; Canovas, B; Dolado, I; Nebreda, AR
Embo Molecular Medicine
(11 )
1759 -
Trempolec N; Dave-Coll N; Nebreda A
(4 )
924 -


"Regulacion de la tumorigénesis por quinasas de estrés: p38a en la homeostasis de las células tumorales y su interacción con las celulas del estroma" cofinanciado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad y por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Referencia: SAF2016-81043-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE).

Gobierno de españa
European union

"Role of p38α MAPK in cancer cell metabolism during tumor development" financiado por el Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR). Referencia: 18-0666

Worldwive cancer research

Grup de Recerca consolidat (SGR 2017-2019) de la Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Agencia de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). Referencia: 2017 SGR 557

Secretaria d'Universitas i Recerca

"Tumor immunosupression by myeloid p38a signaling; implications for melanoma therapy" financiado por la Fundación Científica AECC. Referencia: PROYE18035RODR


"Innovative therapeutic tools to ameliorate chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity" (p38_InTh), financiado por el European Research Council (ERC) mediante el Programa de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea Horizonte 2020. Referencia: 825763


"NC-p38i-II: Nous candidats per evitar el dany de les cèl·lules cardíaques" funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) with the support of the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca, Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement, Generalitat de Catalunya. Ref: 2019PROD00138

Secretaria d'Universitas i Recerca
European union

"Búsqueda de vulnerabilidades en los tumores para mejorar la terapia contra el cáncer: señalización por p38a en la respuesta a la quimioterapia" funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Ref: PID2019-109521RB-I00

Ministerio de ciencia e innovación
Agencia estatal de investigación

Grup de Recerca consolidat (SGR-Cat 2021) del Departament de Recerca i Universitats. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). Referència: 2021 SGR 00909

Departament de Recerca i Universitats

"NC-p38i - Nuevos fármacos para mejorar para mejorar el daño cardíaco inducido por isquemia-reperfusión y por quimioterapia con antraciclinas", financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRTR. Referencia: PLEC2022-009227

Ministerio de ciencia e innovación, Unión Europea, Agencia estatal de investigación

“Multidisciplinary dissection of the chemotherapy resistance mechanisms in triple negative breast
cancer: A step towards improved clinical care”, financiado por Fundación Científica AECC. Referencia: PRYCO211372ROD

“Quinasas de estrés como dianas terapéuticas en Cáncer” (QuinEstCan), financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2022-136646OB-I00 / EAI / 10.13039/501100011033) y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa.

Group members

Research Associate
Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Student
PhD Student
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Visiting Student
Visiting Student

Group News

IRB Barcelona en los medios
IRB Barcelona en los medios