IRB Barcelona has put in place structures to ensure that the Institute delivers on the full promise of its potential.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of IRB Barcelona, overseeing all other bodies. It is responsible for achieving the Foundation’s objectives and managing its assets diligently. It is composed of nine members, with the presidency and first vice presidency rotating every four years between the Ministers of Research and Universities and Health of the Government of Catalonia.

Dr. Núria Montserrat

Dr. Olga Pané

Dr. Joan Guàrdia

Dr. Joan Gómez Pallarès

Dr. Andrés Aguilera

Dr. Jordi Garcia Fernández

Dr. José López Barneo

Dr. José Navarro Cid

Dr. Rafael Pardo
External Advisory Board
The scientific work of IRB Barcelona is regularly assessed by an External Advisory Board which comprises 14 leading international researchers in biomedicine. Its main task is to provide guidance in shaping our research and related activities.

Dr. Joan Massagué, chair

Dr. Ewan Birney

Dr. Michael Czech

Dr. John Dick

Dr. Anne Ephrussi

Dr. Michael S. Glickman

Dr. Jesús Jiménez-Barbero

Dr. Johanna Joyce

Dr. Prisca Liberali

Dr. Thomas Muir

Dr. Angela Nieto

Dr. Alejandro Sánchez-Alvarado
Dr. Derek Tan

Dr. Alfonso Valencia
Business Advisory Board
It aims to advise IRB Barcelona on innovation and technology transfer. It is made up of representatives from pharaceutical companies, venture capital firms, and agents specialising in promoting business collaboration agreements.

Maria C. Freire

Begoña Carreño

Remi Droller

Javier Garcia

Joël Jean-Mairet

Eva Méndez

Carlos Plata
Executive Committee

Governing Council

PhD Advisory Committee
The PhD Advisory Committee is the body responsible for shaping PhD training and mentoring activities and identifying and implementing future goals. The committee is comprised of Group Leaders from the different Research Programmes, the Chair of Graduate Training, the Head of Human Resources and Academic Affairs and the Academic Office coordinator. Two students from the Student Council also participate in the PhD Advisory Committee meetings.

Committee for Research Integrity
The aim of the Committee for Research Integrity (CRI) is to actively share learning and good practice in scientific integrity among the IRB Barcelona scientific community, to catalyse the development of educational initiatives and to act as an independent support and resource in cases of scientific misconduct. The CRI is formed by the Director, the Managing Director, the Head of an Administration Department, the Head of Legal Services, four representatives from the Group Leaders and Facility Managers, one representative of the Postdoctoral researchers and one representative of the PhD students.
2023 IRB Research Integrity Initiative Award
Secretary: Eva Poca
To contact the CRI, please email

Equality and Diversity Committee
IRB Barcelona understands the importance of creating an environment in which diversity, equality and inclusion are valued and promoted. The achievement of an equality and diversity balance among IRB Barcelona personnel would contribute to excellence in research and also to the welfare of all those involved.
The IRB Barcelona Gender Equality plan serves as an instrument in achieving real equality, by incorporating equal opportunities in all the scopes of the Institute. The following GEP was signed in September 2021 and will be valid until December 2024.
The plan is structured in 8 fundamental topics to achieve strategic involvement, these topics are the following:
- Human Resources
- Institutional Communication
- Institutional Governance
- Intersectionality
- Research
- Sexual and Gender Harassment
- Transfer to Market
- Young Scientist
The plan has been designed following the guidelines of EU-CALIPER PROJECT, which intends to support the transformation of research and academic institutions to more gender-equal entities, by increasing the number of women researchers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), thereby enhancing their career perspectives and adding a gender dimension to research. CALIPER aims to design a universal methodology that supports gender equality on a permanent base and prevents gender discrimination in scientific institutions.
To download the current GEP please click here.
For more information regards the CALIPER project visit:
Any other information please contact
The EDC’s main mission is to develop a strategy through which promote and monitor equality and diversity issues and to provide support and guidance in the implementation of policies and action plans related to the same. In compliance with IRB Barcelona’s Equality and Diversity Plan 2021-2024, the EDC is committed to promoting these values at IRB Barcelona. The committee is formed by members representing IRB Barcelona’s scientific community and Administration Department.