Training is a way of life at IRB Barcelona. When young scientists come to IRB Barcelona, they know they will be entering into a world of opportunity where they can do their research and training in a unique international and multidisciplinary setting. PhD students receive close mentoring, have access to a wide variety of scientific activities and services, and are able to take advantage of an extensive network of academic and industrial contacts. Our goal is to stimulate young researchers to carry out creative scientific projects at the highest possible standard, and to become future leaders in the academic or industrial world.
Funded by the MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), this call for “Contratos predoctorales Severo-Ochoa para la Formación de doctores” aims to increase the quality and size of the predoctoral community in Spain by offering PhD student positions covering a 4-year period. These contracts allow students to perform work toward their doctoral thesis at the Institutions recognized as “Severo –Ochoa” Centres of Excellence.
Students who qualify to be admitted into a doctorate program in the 2013-2014 academic course or who are in a position to be enrolled or accepted on a doctoral program in Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine, Chemistry or related areas at the time of the application deadline are eligible to apply.
Candidates must have completed the studies that give access to a doctoral program from January 1, 2010.
Other exceptions and eligibility conditions may apply. Please check the BOE call text for more information (Art 5.2)
How to apply
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the IRB Barcelona Grants Office and then send a CV, academic records, cover letter and names of two references to
Please indicate ref “FPI-SO 2013 candidate interest” in the subject line.
Formal applications will be submitted by students directly to MINECO following the procedures described in the call webpage.
For any question please contact us at:
Please check the FPI-SO 2013 call text:
Additional information can be found here:
More information regarding the IRB Barcelona PhD programme here.