Organizer: IRB BioMed Seminars
Date: Friday 29 April, 12:00h
Place: Auditorium, PCB
Speaker: David S. Pellman, M.D.- Professor of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School. Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Margaret M. Dyson Professor of Pediatric Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Boston, MA. USA
Title: "Mechanisms driving the rapid evolution of genomes"
Host: Cayetano González, PhD
Recently we and others have established that genomes can evolve through episodic bursts of mutagenesis. My group is studying the mechanisms of these catastrophic mutational processes. My talk will summarize recent progress on chromothripsis, which involves massive rearrangement of one or a few chromosomes in one cell division cycle. Chromothrispis is common in cancer (e.g., ~65% of pancreatic cancers). We previously showed that chromothripsis originates from abnormalities in the structure of the nucleus—micronuclei or chromosome bridges. I will describe a mechanism explaining why chromosomes from micronuclei are fragmented to generate chromothripsis. I will also discuss new finding that the formation of micronuclei can lead to epigenetic alterations of chromosomes.
IRB BioMed Seminars
IMPORTANT: For attendees outside the PCB community you must register at least 24h before the seminar.
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