Tandem project
Joint project with Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation (2015-2018) in which IRB Barcelona partnered with Montserrat School, a primary school in Cornellà, to use science to foster innovation in education

Hands-on Teachers Workshops
At IRB Barcelona we provide opportunities for secondary school science teachers to learn about biomedicine and find ways for them to bring current methodologies and the excitement of scientific research into the classroom. Courses include experiments, practical lab activities and scientific lectures on cutting-edge biomedical topics given by experts in a relaxed and welcoming environment. These activities aim to get teachers working side-by-side with our scientists to produce educational materials that can then be taken back to the classroom and to create useful and lasting networks between scientists and teachers to the ultimate benefit of students.

The courses organised so far have involved nearly 50 science teachers from secondary schools around Catalonia and have focused on fruit fly research, and cancer, metastasis and personalized medicine. The courses are accredited by the Department of Education of the Catalan Government. The courses, which began as collaboration with the ELLS LearningLAB of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), are now running in collaboration with the Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera Teachers and Science Programme.