Speaker: Dr. Nikolay Ninov, Group Leader, CRTD / DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden Group leader “b-cell biology and regeneration” Dresden, Germany.
Organizers: IRB Barcelona
Date: Wednesday, 11 April, 15:00h
Place: Serratosa Room, Parc Científic de Barcelona
Host: Enrique Martín Blanco, IBMB-CSIC / IRB Barcelona
Seemingly uniform cells of the same type can exhibit significant heterogeneity in gene expression, size, shape, proliferative and functional capacity, as well as in their lineage and time of birth. To understand how heterogeneity arises, we use novel technologies to record cellular history on both short- andlong-time scales, while also probing the molecular characteristics of cells as individuals. As a model we use the pancreatic islet, a cellular community that harbors the insulin producing beta-cells. I will present our recent work in which we used multicolor lineage tracing and calcium imaging to define how differences in the developmental histories of beta-cells shape their heterogeneity during islet remodeling and growth in zebrafish (Singh et al. 2017). Furthermore,Iwillshowhowagingshapesthedeclineinrenewalpotentialofthebeta-cells, focusing on the role of islet inflammation and reactive oxygen species production in beta-cells (Janjuha et al. 2018; Alfar et al. 2017). Finally, I will discuss novel technologies to record the functional and lineage histories of individual beta-cells on both short- and long-time scales (Spanjaard et al. 2018).
Cell and Developmental Biology Programme Seminar
Speaker: Dr. Nikolay Ninov, Group Leader, CRTD / DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden Group leader “b-cell biology and regeneration” Dresden, Germany.