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Principles of Protein Assembly in Cells


Organizers: IRB BioMed Seminars & IBMB-CSIC (JOINT SEMINAR)

Date: Friday 24 of May at 12:00 PM

Place: Fèlix Serratosa

Speaker: Prof. Emmanuel Levy Department of Chemical and Structural Biology - Emmanuel Levy's Lab - Weizmann Institute of Science, ISRAEL. 

Title: "Principles of Protein Assembly in Cells"

Host: Xavier Salvatella, Ph.D. - Group Leader IRB Barcelona - Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics LAB - Mechanisms of Disease Programme.

Host: Héctor García-Seisdedos, Ph.D. - Group Leader Structural Systems Biology LAB, Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC).



Life processes involve an intricate choreography between tens of millions of protein building blocks that form the infrastructure of cells. Recent technological advances have revealed the catalogs of proteins present in various cells and organisms. However, understanding how these proteins assemble and work together is an extraordinarily complex task. I will present recent work from my lab that aims at addressing this challenge using in silico and in vivo approaches.

IMPORTANT: For attendees outside the PCB community you must register at least 24h before the seminar
