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Extraordinary BioMed Seminar - Maths4Life 2024

5 Sep 24

In this webinar, the awardees of the 2024 call of the "Maths4Life" programme will present their research work undertaken over the summer period. This open webinar is organised for the IRB Barcelona community.




Please find below the details of the event:


Speakers: Manel Montanya Roble, Ash Nova Arroyo, Elisa Ferrero, Eulalia Canals Marti, Marçal Herraiz Bayó  – Maths4Life awardees

Date: Tuesday 5 September 2024, 11:00 – 13:00

Place: Fèlix Serratosa, PCB

Audience: All IRB Barcelona members





·       Manel Montanya Roble – Improving latent representation for molecule generation
·       Ash Nova Arroyo – In Search of the Roots of tRNA
·       Elisa Ferrero – Single cell data: labeling and feature transfer to spatial transcriptomics data
·       Eulalia Canals Marti – Development of an Algorithm to Predict Helical Propensity in PolyQ Tracts
·       Marçal Herraiz Bayó – A Coarse-Grained Study of DNA Flexibility under DNA Damage