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Jóvenes Científicos

El IRB Barcelona es un brillante instituto multidisciplinario donde los científicos abordan de forma colaborativa problemas biomédicos urgentes y que constituyen un desafío, para proporcionar soluciones innovadoras a necesidades médicas no satisfechas.

Únete al IRB Barcelona y realiza tu investigación en uno de sus 27 laboratorios de última generación que abordan temas punteros en cáncer/metástasis, envejecimiento y reprogramación celular, metabolismo, diferenciación celular o genómica, entre otros.

A los investigadores, en cualquier nivel de su carrera, se les ofrecerá una formación personalizada y amplias oportunidades de desarrollo profesional.


Programa Universitario

 Un programa de formación para futuras generaciones de investigadores

Los programas de becas universitarias del IRB Barcelona se dirigen a estudiantes de grado y máster con fuertes capacidades e interés en los campos de la biología, la biomedicina, la química, la física, la farmacia, la biología estructural, las ciencias computacionales u otras áreas relacionadas.

Los becarios tienen la oportunidad de participar en actividades institucionales de la entidad. Además, reciben formación complementaria de desarrollo profesional mediante la serie de cursos internos o ad hoc organizados.


Oportunidades programa universitario

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Programa Predoctoral

Una base sólida para una carrera exitosa en biomedicina

Oportunidades predoctorales

La formación es una forma de vida en el IRB Barcelona. Al unirse al Instituto, los jóvenes científicos se introducen en un mundo de oportunidades en que pueden investigar y formarse en un entorno internacional y multidisciplinario único. Los estudiantes de doctorado reciben una estrecha tutela, tienen acceso a una amplia variedad de actividades y servicios científicos y pueden aprovechar una extensa red de contactos académicos e industriales. Nuestro objetivo es estimular a los jóvenes talentos para desarrollar proyectos creativos de excelencia y convertirse en futuros líderes en el mundo académico o industrial.

Cerca de 100 estudiantes (casi la mitad de ellos de nacionalidades no españolas) trabajan actualmente en la realización de sus tesis doctorales en el IRB Barcelona.

Los estudiantes trabajan en un proyecto de investigación que se elige de mutuo acuerdo con su respectivo líder de grupo. Además, la participación en todas las actividades del día a día de sus laboratorios les permite aprender distintas habilidades y técnicas.

Aparte de las convocatorias predoctorales internas del IRB Barcelona, los estudiantes de doctorado que se incorporan al Instituto también pueden presentarse a convocatorias competitivas externas que otorguen becas de doctorado. Los ejemplos más frecuentes en el Instituto son las becas predoctorales del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, entre otras. Los estudiantes de doctorado que se incorporan al IRB Barcelona tienen que cumplir con las normas de admisión del Instituto.

Todos los doctorandos (para cualquier beca o contrato no institucional) son entrevistados de forma individual (es decir, no competitiva) por un comité de selección que redacta un informe para ayudar al IRB Barcelona a reclutar a los mejores candidatos y garantizar los estándares de calidad.

Además de la supervisión diaria por parte de los directores de tesis, un comité asesor de tesis realiza un seguimiento de los estudios del alumno durante todo su doctorado. Dicho comité está formado por tres miembros, de los cuales por lo menos uno es un jefe de grupo o investigador asociado del IRB Barcelona, y otro, un asesor externo. Al final de cada año, los alumnos elaboran un informe sobre su trabajo y lo discuten con su comité asesor de tesis. Al finalizar su trabajo práctico, los alumnos deben escribir su tesis y defenderla con éxito en la universidad en la que estén matriculados.

El IRB Barcelona no es una universidad y no puede conceder títulos de doctorado. Por lo tanto, los candidatos seleccionados deberán matricularse en una universidad de su elección para obtener el título de doctor.

Las universidades locales son: Universitat de BarcelonaUniversitat Autònoma de BarcelonaUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

A la vez que completan las asignaturas de sus cursos en una universidad de su elección, los alumnos realizan simultáneamente su formación práctica y trabajan para su tesis en un laboratorio de investigación del IRB Barcelona. En general, los alumnos pasan hasta cuatro años en el IRB Barcelona, después de los cuales finalizan y defienden su tesis.

El título de doctor lo otorga la universidad en la que estén matriculados.

Además del trabajo de laboratorio, los doctorandos del IRB Barcelona participan en distintas actividades.

  • Retiro de estudiantes de doctorado. Evento de dos días de duración que se organiza cada dos años para celebrar la actividad investigadora de los alumnos de doctorado del IRB Barcelona. Las actividades incluyen charlas de doctorandos actuales y antiguos, sesiones de pósters y muchas oportunidades de intercambio.
  • Simposio de estudiantes de doctorado. El simposio de estudiantes de doctorado es un evento organizado bianualmente por los alumnos de doctorado del IRB Barcelona y en el que los jóvenes científicos tienen la oportunidad de participar en todos los aspectos de diseño y gestión de un evento científico complejo. Los eventos se han celebrado en 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018 y 2019. Esta última edición tuvo lugar entre el 13 y el 15 de noviembre en Nijmegen, Holanda (simposio ENABLE). En estos simposios, ganadores del Premio Nobel y los mejores científicos se reúnen y discuten con los investigadores más jóvenes sobre temas de vanguardia e interdisciplinarios en un ambiente relajado e informal.
  • Estancias breves. Se anima a los estudiantes a realizar al menos una estancia en el extranjero durante su formación. La estancia puede estar subvencionada por becas de movilidad o fondos internos. Algunos ejemplos de centros anfitriones son el Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT (EE.UU.) y el Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel); universidades como la Universidad de Harvard y el ETH Zurich (Suiza); y hospitales como el MD Anderson Cancer Center (EE.UU.), entre muchos otros. El IRB Barcelona también está preparado y deseoso de recibir visitantes de institutos de todo el mundo. Cada año acoge a más de 50 investigadores visitantes, incluyendo estudiantes de doctorado.
  • Formación complementaria y cursos. El IRB Barcelona promueve una serie de actividades orientadas a la formación complementaria con el fin de reforzar el conjunto de habilidades de los estudiantes predoctorales, como los talleres sobre "Cómo mejorar la escritura científica", los seminarios de "Innovación y transferencia de tecnología" o el taller de "Comunicación científica en inglés".
  • Seminarios Barcelona BioMed. Destacados científicos internacionales son invitados para presentar y discutir sus resultados e ideas en una serie de seminarios semanales. Estas sesiones permiten a los estudiantes de doctorado conocer los últimos avances en las ciencias de la vida y les dan la oportunidad de tener un contacto directo con los ponentes de los seminarios. También se anima a los doctorandos a invitar a ponentes de su propia elección.
  • Clubes de revistas. Investigadores de todos los niveles debaten sobre publicaciones científicas recientes en varios clubes de revistas.
  • Actividades de comunicación. Los estudiantes de doctorado también practican sus habilidades de comunicación a través de presentaciones periódicas, talleres y asistencia a eventos educativos y con participación del público.
  • Actividades sociales. Los doctorandos del IRB Barcelona también participan en actividades de interacción social, como las sesiones "cool-off" mensuales, en las que la comunidad estudiantil se reúne de manera informal para disfrutar de un aperitivo y charlar en la terraza del Instituto.
  • Retiros de grupo y de programa. Los científicos del IRB Barcelona participan regularmente en retiros, tanto a nivel de grupo como de programa. Estas actividades, que se celebran en emplazamientos con atractivo paisajístico fuera de las instalaciones, ofrecen la oportunidad de mantener un intenso debate científico y una interacción social, y tienen como objetivo fomentar la colaboración entre grupos y programas.

El Consejo de Alumnos de Doctorado del IRB Barcelona se encarga de organizar las actividades dirigidas a los estudiantes, como las sesiones "cool-off", así como de la comunicación entre la comunidad estudiantil y la dirección del Instituto. El Consejo se fundó en 2008 y consta de nueve miembros que se reúnen mensualmente para hablar de temas de actualidad y eventos futuros. Para contactar con ellos, puedes escribir a la dirección de correo electrónico

Organizamos actividades específicas para los estudiantes de doctorado durante su primer año en el Instituto.

  • Curso de iniciación. Este curso, impartido a principios de septiembre, presenta las unidades y plataformas del IRB Barcelona y el PCB, y proporciona información que puede ser de utilidad durante el período de formación del doctorando en el Instituto, así como información sobre Barcelona.
  • Rotaciones de laboratorio durante el primer semestre del primer año académico. Las rotaciones ofrecen a los estudiantes la oportunidad de experimentar diferentes entornos de laboratorio y enfoques experimentales, así como de conocer a miembros de laboratorios de otros grupos, fomentando así posibles colaboraciones futuras.
  • Programa Pasos. El programa Pasos funciona emparejando a un estudiante de doctorado nuevo con un estudiante de doctorado voluntario, llamado "guía", que lleva un año o más tiempo en el IRB Barcelona.

El inglés es la lengua de trabajo en el IRB Barcelona. Algunas universidades imparten las clases del plan de estudios científicos en inglés, mientras que otras universidades locales dan las clases en catalán y/o español y, algunas, en inglés. Por lo tanto, el IRB Barcelona ofrece a todos sus miembros la oportunidad de asistir a clases de inglés y español para mejorar su nivel de idioma.


Según el artículo 12 de las bases reguladoras de las ayudas Joan Oró para la contratación de personal investigador predoctoral en formación (FI-2024) RESOLUCIÓN REU/3056/2023 de 5 de septiembre, se publica la priorización de las Ayudas Joan Oró FI 2024.

A su vez, se abre un periodo de alegaciones que finalizará el próximo 3 de Enero de 2024.


IRB Dream programme

IRB predoctoral fellowship programme: attracting international talent

The IRB predoctoral fellowship programme (IRB DREAM) is a flagship doctoral fellowship programme run by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). It is offering 10 x four-year fellowships in two separate calls to young and talented researchers to undertake their PhD theses in one of the 28 laboratories at the Institute. IRB DREAM seeks to revamp the Institute’s current PhD Programme, which is already recognised for excellence in research, by adding an innovative dimension, namely the customisation of both the training offer and career development.

IRB Barcelona already boasts a strong PhD Programme, which has been consolidated since its launch in 2008. In addition to the research activities undertaken by predoctoral researchers (herein referred to as early stage researchers, (ESRs), they have access to an extensive range of complementary activities specifically designed to boost their professional careers. Ranging from interdisciplinary initiatives such as lab rotations and PhD retreats to high-quality scientific seminars and transferable skills workshops with a strong focus on business and entrepreneurship, the programme already offers its ESRs the tools to empower them and enable them to pursue brilliant scientific careers.

IRB DREAM offers fellows:

  • Exceptional working and employment conditions , with salaries that are significantly above the national standards.
  • Excellent supervision and mentoring arrangements by highly experienced Group Leaders and external researchers from both the academic and the non academic sectors.
  • Access to top notch laboratories carrying out Multidisciplinary Research at the interface between chemistry , biology and medicine.
  • Exposure to an international and intersectoral environment and access to a vast network of international collaborators , companies and hospitals.
  • Wide training offer with personalized and professional advice in identifying the most suitable optional training courses that match fellows ’ interests and skills.
  • Personalized Career Development Support through IRB Career Advisors.
  • Free language courses (Catalan , Spanish & English) provided onsite and free of charge.
  • Vibrant social activities , such as monthly Cool off sessions ", where members meet informally for drinks ,
    snacks and scientific discussions in the cafeteria , the Football League and the annual skiing trip.
  • A healthy culture that promotes and facilitates well being as an integral part of the institution’s identity.
  • Relocation & Visa Assistance by trained staff in the Human.

More information about the IRB Barcelona International PhD programme, with details about the PhD life at the institute and other relevant activities and information can be found here.

IRB DREAM will recruit prospective early-stage researchers (ESRs) of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in biomedicine. To be eligible for an IRB_DREAM fellowship, applicants must:

  • Comply with the mobility rule: meaning that they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call. 
  • Comply with the COFUND ESR definition: at the time of recruitment by IRB Barcelona, they must be in the first four years (full‐time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Fulfil one of the following options (mandatory requirements according to Bologna’s process to be able to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the effective recruitment):
    • Completion of studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits must correspond to master level.
    • Completion of a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine or related fields in Spain.
  • Submit a complete application before the established deadline through the IRB_DREAM electronic application. Applicants will be asked to upload the following information:
    • Personal information such as first and last name, gender, nationality and contact details. This section will also ask about applications for or intention to apply for other fellowships.
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting their research experience and academic achievements and explaining why they are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
    • A scanned copy of their certified academic record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods and evidence that the required degree will be obtained by the expected time of recruitment if it has not already been awarded.
    • Any additional files considered relevant to the application.
    • At least two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with their academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher. A template letter for the referees will be provided, including short evaluation questions. Applicants will be responsible for ensuring that referees submit these letters.
    • A summary of any work experience and a maximum of three research groups in which they are interested.

Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.

Enhanced contact with an intersectoral and interdisciplinary environment, and international mobility through secondments and new initiatives:

  • Greater exposure to an intersectoral environment through personalised support from Innovation Department staff and the opportunity to visit and be seconded to companies and hospitals, the latter thanks to a new strategic action that aims to increase collaboration with the hospital system in Catalonia.
  • Guaranteed exposure to an interdisciplinary environment at the local, regional and national level, thanks to existing collaborations and agreements in Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain. Within IRB Barcelona, fellows will be exposed to a wide range of disciplines and will have the opportunity to participate in activities such as weekly Research Node Seminars and Biomed seminars, annual conferences, lab rotations, PhD retreats, the Student Council, etc.
  • Guaranteed international mobility, thanks to the inclusion of targets in their career development plans during their first PhD year, including participation in international workshops, conferences, seminars and international activities. Fellows will also be guaranteed international secondments, thanks to the specific travel and networking cost allowances. As of the second year of IRB_DREAM, fellows will have the opportunity to present their secondment plan to their respective Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC).

Enhanced supervision structure with higher exposure to the 3i dimension: the supervision structure will include the (i) Thesis supervisory team, comprising the supervisor, who will be the Group Leader from the lab hosting the fellows’ research activities, as well as the co-supervisor (the group leader at the secondment institution); (ii) the TAC, responsible for mentoring, following up and guiding fellows in all aspects related to their thesis. TACs will have an additional external member from the non-academic sector to reinforce intersectoral dimension; and (iii) Personalised Career Development support through Career Advisors, who will guide the fellows during their careers and help them, together with the Supervisory team,  to prepare and review their Personal Career Development Plans (PCDPs) each year.

Personalised career development advice and integration with the training plan, allowing them to create their own training itinerary in function of their future career perspectives. Fellows will have access to state-of-the-art training in technical and scientific skills, as well as training in transferable skills. All fellows will be required to complete the core training modules of the programme, which will include: training through research, research-oriented scientific-technical skills, and transferable skills, as well as a minimum number of optional training courses. Advanced training in research integrity, open science and research data management, as well as cross-disciplinary technical training, will be compulsory for all fellows. In addition, fellows will be required to complete a minimum number of dissemination and training activities. Upon joining IRB Barcelona, fellows will undertake a 1-week induction course to familiarise themselves with their host groups, the Institute and IRB DREAM.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers—be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers—and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.

The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or private sector. The programme responds to the challenges faced by researchers, offering them attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academia and other settings.

The MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields are chosen freely by the applicants (individuals and/or organisations) in a fully 'bottom-up' manner.

For more information, please visit the following web pages:


IRB Dream Opportunities

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Call closed

IRB Target programme

IRB Barcelona International PhD programme: on TARGET for high-impact biomedicine

IRB Barcelona is a vibrant multidisciplinary institute where scientists address challenging and pressing biomedical problems in a collaborative fashion to provide groundbreaking solutions to unmet medical needs.

The IRB-TARGET doctoral programme brings together a network of 21 institutions to implement an impact-oriented training itinerary aligned with IRB’s strategic objective to bring fundamental science closer to applied and clinical research. Through two separate calls, IRB-TARGET will offer 10 four-year fellowships to exceptional doctoral candidates, who can choose and build a strong research project within one of the six interdisciplinary research nodes established at IRB.

IRB-TARGET is aimed at talented young researchers wishing to undertake their PhD theses in one of its 28 state-of-the-art laboratories that tackle cutting-edge topics in cancer/metastasis, ageing and cell reprogramming, metabolism, cell differentiation, and genomics, among others. In the context of inter- and multi-disciplinary collaboration between groups, countries (more than 100 international collaborations) and sectors (academy, industry or hospitals), IRB-TARGET offers customized training and ample career development opportunities. This innovative training programme stands out for fostering much valued secondments and other initiatives aimed at strengthening the career prospects of doctoral candidates.

IRB-TARGET offers:

  • Exceptional working and employment conditions, with salaries that are significantly above the national standards.
  • Excellent supervision and mentoring arrangements by highly experienced Group Leaders and external researchers from both the academic and the non-academic sectors.
  • Access to top-notch laboratories carrying out Multidisciplinary Research at the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine.
  • Exposure to an international and intersectoral environment and access to a vast network of international collaborators, companies and hospitals.
  • Personalised doctoral training itinerary composed of several mandatory and optional components, categorised under research, training, and engagement, that fellows will complete to complement their research work (required dedication of 200 hours).
  • Mandatory research stay or secondment as part of the doctoral training itinerary (research laboratory, industry or hospital).
  • Integration of the Personalised Career Development Plan into the supervision structure and the harmonization of the research and career development objectives through a holistic training approach that incorporates specialised support from HFP.
  • Free language courses (Catalan, Spanish & English) provided onsite and free of charge.
  • Vibrant social activities, such as monthly "Cool-off sessions", where members meet informally for drinks, snacks and scientific discussions in the cafeteria, the Football League and the annual skiing trip.
  • A healthy culture that promotes and facilitates well-being as an integral part of the institution’s identity.
  • Relocation & Visa Assistance by trained staff in the Human Resources Department, and personalized welcome support with peer-to-peer mentoring.

More information about the IRB Barcelona International PhD programme, with details about the PhD life at the institute and other relevant activities and information can be found here.

IRB-TARGET will recruit prospective early-stage researchers (ESRs) of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in biomedicine. To be eligible for an IRB_DREAM fellowship, applicants must:

  • Comply with the mobility rule: meaning that they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call
  • Not be in possession of a doctoral degree at the deadline of the call. Any candidate that has successfully defended their doctoral thesis will not be considered eligible, even if they have not formally been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Fulfil one of the following options (mandatory requirements according to Bologna’s process to be able to enrol in a doctoral programme at the time of the effective recruitment):
    • Completion of studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 must correspond to master level.
    • Completion of a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Medicine or related fields in Spain.
  • Submit a complete application before the established deadline through the IRB-TARGET electronic application. Applicants will be asked to upload the following information:
    • Personal information such as first and last name, gender, nationality and contact details. This section will also ask about applications for or intention to apply for other fellowships.
    • Curriculum vitae.
    • Motivation letter (maximum 2 pages) highlighting their research experience and academic achievements and explaining why they are interested in IRB Barcelona and in a particular research group.
    • A scanned copy of their certified academic record. These documents must show the grades attained in exam periods and evidence that the required degree will be obtained by the expected time of recruitment if it has not already been awarded.
    • Any additional files considered relevant to the application.
    • At least two recommendation letters from university lecturers or scientists who are familiar with their academic work and who can judge their potential as a predoctoral researcher. A template letter for the referees will be provided, including short evaluation questions. Applicants will be responsible for ensuring that referees submit these letters.
    • A summary of any work experience and a maximum of three research groups in which they are interested.

Candidates are selected exclusively on merit, on the basis of their curricula. The academic grades and curriculum vitae of each applicant are evaluated, as well as recommendation letters and a motivation letter. No selection criteria for positive or negative discrimination are applied.

Each IRB-TARGET fellow will build their own unique doctoral training itinerary that is adapted to their research, academic, professional and personal requirements and will prepare them to excel during and after their doctoral training. The personalized IRB-TARGET itinerary will be composed of several mandatory and options components that fellows will complete to complement their research work categorized under research, training and engagement. The itinerary will be defined in collaboration with the supervisory team and will be reflected in their Personal Career Development Plan (PCDP). Fellows will need to complete a minimum required dedication (200 hours) to each category and subcategory to successfully complete the IRB-TARGET programme.

The major components of this itinerary include ( see table below):



  1. Core biomedical research project: Fellows will undertake a research project in a given field under the supervision of a Group Leader leading to a doctoral degree at the University of Barcelona. They will further enrich this research training through weekly participation in group (lab) meetings, interdisciplinary node and plenary seminars, PhD retreats, and symposiums.
  2. Collaborations & research stays or secondments in academia, clinical setting, or industry (1-3 months): Either through a secondment or a short stay, IRB-TARGET fellows will be required to complete a mandatory research stay or secondment as part of their doctoral training itinerary, unless explicitly discouraged by their Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The specific secondment plan of each fellow will be established as part of the PCDP development. While this itinerary establishes the minimum requirements, the number of short stays/secondments and their length may vary from fellow to fellow, to ensure the relevance of the outcome for the thesis project to be developed and/or for the training of the fellow. The choice of the host institution (research laboratory, industry, or hospital) will be based on the research projects developed by the fellows and the collaborations that their supervisors have. IRB-TARGET has secured the commitment of 20 Associated Partners from 7 countries to host fellows, thereby providing a wide offer of international secondments (in addition to local/national options).
  3. Network-wide training events organised by and for IRB-TARGET (100 hours): These mandatory training events will provide fellows with knowledge, skills and expertise in several core areas that are integral to their doctoral training, including research integrity, gender in research, entrepreneurship skills, open science and research data management, and communication.
  4. Complementary training actions from local and other initiatives (25 hours): Fellows will have the opportunity to choose the training sessions and topics that best suit their needs and interests.
  5. Communication and Dissemination actions to maximise research impact (50 hours): Having done a mandatory training course on communication given by Scienseed and had opportunities to fine-tune these skills at the institutional level by participation and presentation at group meetings, node seminars and plenary seminars, fellows will be required to further their communication and dissemination skills through the following: (a) participation and presentation (poster and/or talks) in international symposia/meetings/conferences/trade fairs (at least 3 during the IRB-TARGET Programme); and (b) dissemination of their research results as open-access peer-reviewed scientific publications will be highly encouraged and recommended.
  6. Outreach and Stakeholder network engagement for responsible innovation (25 hours): (a) With the support and guidance of IRB Barcelona´s Communication Department and the Public Engagement Officer in particular, IRB-TARGET fellows will contribute to outreach actions to disseminate science to the general public. A total of 2 actions per fellow will be mandatory before the completion of the programme. (b) To engage with the stakeholders and/or end-users of biomedical researchers, IRB-TARGET fellows will organise, conduct and amplify the impact of an online talk show to discuss important themes with respect to science, research and policy with guests representing key stakeholders from the society, including doctors, patients, patients’ associations and civil society.

Each fellow has the support of the following actors in the implementation and revision of their PCDP: the Group Leader and the co-supervisor(s), including in the secondment lab(s); the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC); and the Career support team.

IRB-TARGET fellows will be awarded their doctoral degrees from the University of Barcelona. More information on the available doctoral programmes within this university can be found here.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers' careers—be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers—and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations (universities, research centres, and companies) to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.

The MSCA aim to equip researchers with the necessary skills and international experience for a successful career, either in the public or private sector. The programme responds to the challenges faced by researchers, offering them attractive working conditions and the opportunity to move between academia and other settings.

The MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services. Research and innovation fields are chosen freely by the applicants (individuals and/or organisations) in a fully 'bottom-up' manner.

For more information, please visit the following web pages:


IRB Target Opportunities

Call closed

Programa postdoctoral

Apoyo y oportunidades para posdoctorados en una etapa crítica de su carrera

Los becarios posdoctorales que se unen al IRB Barcelona tienen acceso a las oportunidades de formación avanzada en investigación y desarrollo profesional del Instituto, todo ello en un competitivo entorno internacional.

Consciente que los posdoctorados se hallan en una etapa crítica de su carrera profesional, el IRB Barcelona quiere proporcionarles el apoyo científico, técnico y administrativo que necesitan para sobresalir. Los posdoctorados suelen incorporarse al IRB Barcelona con una beca externa obtenida a través de agencias nacionales e internacionales.

Enfoque en la interdisciplinariedad

Periódicamente se ofrecen cursos y talleres sobre temas de especial interés para los posdoctorados. Estos incluyen administración de laboratorios, comunicación y ciencias y redacción de subvenciones, entre otros. Los posdoctorados también pueden aprovechar las numerosas conferencias, seminarios y demás eventos de la serie Barcelona BioMed.

Al igual que la comunidad de estudiantes de doctorado, los posdoctorados tienen un interés activo en promover actividades de cohesión entre sus compañeros. En este sentido, el Consejo Posdoctoral organiza eventos y actividades científicas y sociales y actúa como enlace con la administración del IRB Barcelona.

Contacta con el Consejo Posdoctoral si deseas obtener más información sobre la vida de los posdoctorados en el Instituto.

Un ejemplo de las numerosas actividades posdoctorales es el Postdoc Day anual, que reúne a científicos de todos los programas de investigación para mostrar sus últimos resultados y explorar posibilidades de colaboración.


Oportunidades Postdoctorales