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Perspective on Simulating Whole Cells with Martini


Organizer:  IRB Barcelona

Date:  Friday, Nov 29th at 12:00PM

Place: Auditorium Room

Speaker:  Prof. Dr. S.J. (Siewert-Jan) Marrink - Professor of Molecular Dynamics - GBB Institute, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Title: "Perspective on Simulating Whole Cells with Martini"

Host: Modesto Orozco, Ph.D. - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept. - UB.  Group Leader IRB Barcelona - Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics Lab - Mechanisms of Disease Programme. 


In this talkI will provide the state of the art on the use of the latest version of the coarse-grained Martini model[1] to simulate complex systems, including the possibility to capture chemical reactions[2], and provide a perspective on our current efforts to reach the whole cell  level[3]

1.      P.C.T. Souza, R. Alessandri, J. Barnoud, S. Thallmair, I. Faustino, ... S.J. Marrink. Martini 3: a general purpose force field for coarse-grained molecular dynamics. Nature Methods 18, 382–388, 2021. doi:org/10.1038/s41592-021-01098-3

2.     S. Sami, S.J. Marrink. Reactive Martini: Chemical reactions in coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 4040–4046, 2023. doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.2c01186

3.     J.A. Stevens, F. Grünewald, P.A.M. van Tilburg, M. König, B.R. Gilbert, T.A. Brier, Z.R. Thornburg, Z. Luthey-Schulten, S.J. Marrink. Molecular dynamics simulation of an entire cell. Frontiers in Chemistry 11, 2023. doi:10.3389/fchem.2023.1106495

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