Cancer is a very complex disease at the scientific level and it has a significant impact on the lives of those who suffer from it.
"This disease is so 'intelligent' that it has to be beaten with knowledge."
Rosa Buch, a breast cancer patient
"This is like a film. It can't be happening to me."
Anna Giannoni, a breast cancer patient
"When you visit IRB Barcelona, you realise that you're not alone."
Pilar Ros,a metastatic breast cancer patient
"Research is always the way."
Dr. Joan Massagué, director of the Sloan Kettering Institute in New York and president of the External Advisory Board at IRB Barcelona
Fundraising activity
If you are interested in organizing a solidarity activity for the benefit of IRB Barcelona, please contact us and we will give you further information. Call us at 934031162 or send an email to
Here are some examples of initiatives that have worked with us: