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Barcelona BioMed Conference
Multidimensional Genomics:
The 3D/4D organization of chromatin

13-15 November, 2017

Dear colleagues,

We have extended the registration deadline for the next Barcelona BioMed Conference, dedicated to "Multidimensional Genomics: The 3D/4D organization of chromatin". The new deadline is Thursday 5 October. You can register for this event here.


Genomics is moving for a static monodimensional picture, to a time dependent 3D structure. Chromatin is not any more a magic word used to represent a portion of the cell absorbing more colorant than the rest. Chromatin is now a plastic supramolecular structure composed of DNA and protein whose conformation regulates accessibility of the genes to the protein machinery that regulate their function. Nothing of the activity of the cell can be understood without considering the time-dependent three dimensional structure of chromatin.

The BioMed conference will be a forum to meet many of the most distinguished scientists in the field. We will learn from the basic physical principles governing the deformation of DNA to the last advances in the experimental techniques providing information on chromatin structure, from the nucleosome to the entire chromatin fiber. We will learn from how chromatin structure is regulated by specific cellular system, and how in turn, chromatin structure modulates the entire cellular live. I invite you to meet us in Barcelona and know more about these supramolecular structure.


13-15 November 2017

Extended registration deadline: 5 October, 2017. There is no registration fee for this conference, but the number of participants is limited, with a number of seats saved for IRB Barcelona alumni. Previous registration is required.


Modesto Orozco, IRB Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain)
Marc Martí-Renom, CNAG- CRG/ ICREA (Barcelona, Spain)
Giacomo Cavalli, IGH- CNRS (Montpellier, France)

Participants are invited to submit abstracts, a number of which will be selected for short talk and poster presentations. Abstracts should include a title, authors, affiliations, summary (max 250 words) and references.

The list of confirmed speakers for this occasion is the following:
Frank Alber, USC (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
Salvador Aznar- Benitah, IRB Barcelona/ ICREA (Barcelona, Spain)
Ferran Azorin, IRB Barcelona/ CSIC (Barcelona, Spain)
Miguel Beato, CRG (Barcelona, Spain)
Maria Pia Cosma, CRG/ ICREA (Barcelona, Spain)
Peter Fraser, The Babraham Institute (Cambridge, UK)
Luca Giorgetti, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (Basel, Switzerland)
Jim R. Hughes, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (Oxford, UK)
Daniel Jost, University Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France)
Cristian Michelleti, International School for Advanced Studies (Trieste, Italy)
Leonid Mirny, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Rolf Ohlsson, Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm, Sweden)
Ana Pombo, MDC (Berlin, Germany)
Clodagh O’Shea, Salk Institute for Biological Studies (La Jolla, CA, USA)
Oliver J. Rando, University of Massachusetts Medical School (Worcester, MA, USA)
Bing Ren, University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA, USA)
Tamar Schlick, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York, USA)
Ting Wu, Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA, USA)

View the conference poster

Venue: Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Barcelona, Spain).

You may find the on-line registration form and additional information on the dedicated page on our website.

Please feel free to spread this announcement to your contacts.

Barcelona BioMed Conference Secretariat
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
Parc Científic de Barcelona
c/ Baldiri Reixac, 10
08028 Barcelona - Spain
Tel +34 934034955

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